Message from the Head
For the over 2 decades, I have been honored to work in many amazing schools in a number of diverse countries. During this time, I have learnt from the good and the bad, reshaped my thoughts and constantly developed my own beliefs of good education. The Smile School is the accumulation of all that is good in education, while keeping in mind that the main purpose of education is preparation for a life well lived.
Although born and trained in the UK, I have been proud to call Ghana my home for many years. With this in mind I started to look for schools that I wished my daughter to attend, but failed to find one close enough to home, reasonably priced and providing an environment where my daughter would be safe, cared for and challenged to achieve. The Smile School aims to fulfill the requirements.
Please feel free to call me at any time if you think The Smile School could be the place for your child. 024 2545046
Helen McGuigan
What our parents say about us
Having fun and learning at the same time - Ben
..always adapting to new stuff..
I recommend the Smile School- Murphy
Smart and happy in the Smile School - Josephine and parents
What our children say about us
My English vocabulary has improved and people ask me if i have traveled outside of Ghana - Josephine
Our teachers are nice and help us to do things right - Anna
We think, smile and learn - child

The School
Located in the West of Accra, the Smile School aims to provide creative and progressive education. Using the best practice and sound theories from around the world, children will have ample opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and understanding related to the curriculum, themselves and communities near and far.